"This is the plight of the pig and 'Oinker's Last Voyage'", Mark said, " 5,000 years and the wife were having you skin and gut the curator; Thanks for this post!
We, a fertile people for the first time this year, and firm tip of modern day pigs! You're giving us the monumental buildings, now actually do it!" November 2, 2013 at 10:37a.m Attempted before Buddy Shepherd said: "2,500 years older, like the Acropolis ( the restaurant ) when a stunning because the skin is cut off to dominate the landscape -to in walked over to the table- No getting the hair off unless we inspire, perhaps even intimidate." Tell me about you're childhood. "A long open mouthed kiss..." A wet business? So we'll try and eat grandpa! "Most pigs saw it! The people who built this thing..." she'd seen him later, as she the wife, glared at her husband. "Here you go. You're feed!" "'Ended, it remains a mystery, as the last straw!'" They absently looked at each other, and then their long pewter spoons. He continued, "Point is that it comes from the point of origin of the complex itself. It's not much, although it's enough, I want a divorce." . . . . . . . . . November 3, 2013 at 1:42a.m The fence is to be scratched as a temple; it's likely to have understood that. The husband: "This! Do you have a buddy or some funny animal variety of functions during the thousand years and then you kill it! Was in it's use clear, and now we holiday where winters are golden no more. And if not I'm going to be a vegetarian for seasonal rituals, feasts, and trash in the garage and no more. The discovery is all the more intriguing when the decision to make it is all yours." Unless I could have quarried thousands of tons of festering info about the woman. A beautiful young anvil thing. Aborted it several miles to a grassy prom ass. We burn the hair with commanding views of the countryside. Their workmanship was impeded in a way during butchering. The imposing walls they built was and is a messy end credit to the Roman centurions. Who, centuries later would erect Hadrian's wince. Lester tried to skin G.I. Joe and the Moth of Britain. Within those walls we tried. Among them one of the largest farm girls said: "Creatures built in prehistoric northern Euro, skin on for the hams. More than 8 feet long and 60 feet wide, you can totally do it all much easier. We put 13 feet thick; if the complex featured hunts then you and I could tackle processing chickens. Pick them processed chickens for that you and you're love tip... but, you know I have thought about pigs! They are mean pigs and have little courage." And some replied: "Pigs that we have met in people's lunch with an acquaintance, like to have their ears scratched and be fed. We used a propane trolley." The butterfly said: "Since she'd gotten you're pig or cow by the hand, some folks like to keep the information I need. You can always just think of skinning in the hen yard, and the stun gun is good blonde American love. Now get behind a tree and shoot" The crowd applauded only briefly for the impromptu hoopla, and the farmer flipped the switch on the side of the device. A little flame could be seen on the bottom of each side, but was soon rendered invisible ( as was the pig they called Oinker! ) by heavy dark smoke which seemed to naturally accompany the flames and rose as heavy velvet curtains in the morning. Then the pig lifted slightly off the ground ( about 3 or 4 feet ) for a few minutes before taking off into the sky never to be seen again.
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A great specter is looming over the art world: the specter of Inter|Sekt. For far too long we have watched the artists of our generation turned into a disposable commodity, bought and sold by the galleries, stifled in their expression by the tastes of the art consultants who purchase pieces on behalf of financially minded clients who want a "solid investment".
They have been amalgamated into schools, said schools are a device of gallerists and art historians to divide and conquer the creatives and free thinkers. For we live in a nation which thinks itself to be free yet is not, they expect the same of their artists. Our culture has been raped and plundered by the upper echelon, picked apart and sold by the same greed mongers who claim to be it's patrons. The tool which has most effectively stunted the growth of modern American art in particular is the clever indoctrination of this idea of schools to not only the art student but anyone whom even reads a brief survey of the history of art sees that it is broken up into these categorized schools; the philosophies of these various sects creates conflict, division, and ultimately destruction of the morale and submission to the established order. Thus rendering the creative spirit confused and useless. This helps curb the rebellious spirit of the average citizen outside of the art world in other spheres of society. Art history is a lie and galleries are dens of thieves! Inter|Sekt is not destroying the schools or the galleries, we are simply showing you they were never real, at least not in a world outside of that constructed by academics to sell text books to art students. The reign of the gallerists and art consultants is over when you want it to be. From the ashes of the indoctrinated schools of every form of art shall arise The New World Creative. -Steven Lee Matz- The inter|sekt manifesto
Jim Mazzocco Archives
September 2021