In Germanic mythology Odin comes into contact with 3 Norns (pronounced Norms). The Norns were said to have had more influence upon life and the course of human history than any other beings in the universe.
Dwelling within the well of Urd, they were the ones who shaped destiny by carving their runes into the the trunk of the mythical Yggdrasil tree. This tree was the center of the cosmos, it's roots were said to have held the Nine Worlds. The myth states that Odin discovered the runes by ritually sacrificing himself to himself, and then fasting for 9 days while looking into the deep wells of Urd. He then proceeded to give the runes to the first human rune masters, or so the story goes. Rune stones soon became staples in many Nordic communities: they were used primarily to mark territories, memorialize the dead, and decree laws. But they were also used to inform the citizenry of future construction, events, and celebrations. This is the genesis of what we now refer to as commercial art and design; because the rune stones which marked shops, streets, and grave yards soon evolved into neon signs, newspaper ads, and corporate logos which bind us within and without our universe of capitalistic consumerism. You see the real purpose of corporate logos goes back to the real purpose of runic magick; the purpose being to tear a riff in the space time fabric of existence and manifest the desired outcome of the rune caster / graphic designer. But the only way for one to properly cast the rune / execute the logo design, is for one to know the elements and processes of the work being endeavored upon. There are 7 different types of logos in the modern cor-pro runic interface we refer to as commercial art:
Symbols by IV - sym·bol ˈsimbəl/ noun noun: symbol; plural noun: symbols 1. A thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. When looking at the definition for the word, it leaves one feeling as if it could mean so many things to different people. In this instance, however, I will clarify that the "thing" that stands for something else will be an image. The following images are logos designed by IV which not only serve as symbols of the perspective entities that they define, but as a representation of the artists view or interpretation of said entities. The images below share common black and red themes. Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color while Black is also a very powerful color that symbolizes class, elegance and wealth. The artist here places a high value on power and strength while incorporating the passion and love each symbol represents. While one may argue that these images are nothing more than business logos, those that create art of this nature know that it symbolizes much much more. ♥
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A great specter is looming over the art world: the specter of Inter|Sekt. For far too long we have watched the artists of our generation turned into a disposable commodity, bought and sold by the galleries, stifled in their expression by the tastes of the art consultants who purchase pieces on behalf of financially minded clients who want a "solid investment".
They have been amalgamated into schools, said schools are a device of gallerists and art historians to divide and conquer the creatives and free thinkers. For we live in a nation which thinks itself to be free yet is not, they expect the same of their artists. Our culture has been raped and plundered by the upper echelon, picked apart and sold by the same greed mongers who claim to be it's patrons. The tool which has most effectively stunted the growth of modern American art in particular is the clever indoctrination of this idea of schools to not only the art student but anyone whom even reads a brief survey of the history of art sees that it is broken up into these categorized schools; the philosophies of these various sects creates conflict, division, and ultimately destruction of the morale and submission to the established order. Thus rendering the creative spirit confused and useless. This helps curb the rebellious spirit of the average citizen outside of the art world in other spheres of society. Art history is a lie and galleries are dens of thieves! Inter|Sekt is not destroying the schools or the galleries, we are simply showing you they were never real, at least not in a world outside of that constructed by academics to sell text books to art students. The reign of the gallerists and art consultants is over when you want it to be. From the ashes of the indoctrinated schools of every form of art shall arise The New World Creative. -Steven Lee Matz- The inter|sekt manifesto
Jim Mazzocco Archives
September 2021